Monday, 18 March 2013


This week I am working at the Sick Kids on Wednesday and Thursday, and I am really looking forward to it this month. Linda and I have been planning away and now we get to work on a very exciting thing.

For those of you who don't know, the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh (Sick Kids) is a very old building. It is getting a bit sad now, so Edinburgh are getting a brand new hospital out by the new infirmary at Little France. The move is due to happen in 2017 and there are many plans afoot.
Part of my job is to document the old building, as well as consulting on the new building, and one way that we are doing this is by writing and illustrating a picture book about the move.

Linda has written the first part, and now we are asking EVERYONE for ideas about how they think the hospital should physically move to Little France. This week we will be scattering (neatly, I like Wombles) sheets asking for help and they will look like this...

If you fancy helping out then let me know and I will send you a copy of the story so far and the drawing sheet (you don't have to draw, you can write, or do both).

As well as this, we will be handing out Easter cards featuring this here illustration, and a poem by Linda on the back.

The last thing that we have been concentrating on is a Special Story book for a boy who isn't enjoying his injections so much. It is hopefully going to distract him a bit, and also make the hospital loads of fun. I hope he likes it. I am going to try it out on as many children as possible this week in the hope that they can all have one maybe. Here is a bit of it. I want to colour it in immediately.

That's all for now. It's snowing and I want some fish fingers. Before I forget to mention my pal with the lovely pointy ear...Fraser became an uncle today. HOORAY!

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