Monday, 21 November 2011

Friday, 4 November 2011
Paper Tiger cards
It's Christmas next month

If you are in Edinburgh and happen to be walking down Stafford Street you will be seeing quite a lot of my work around the place. Paper Tiger and Studio One commissioned me to produce their Christmas advertising and here are two of the posters that are in their A-boards at the moment. I drew these ages ago now....time flies.....
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
And now for something completely different...

Have 2 months really gone by?

So 2 months have apparently gone by since my last post, SCARY! I have been working so hard on getting things ready for Frankfurt Book Fair that I don't remember what it's like to have a social life. If it wasn't for my good friends at swimming then I don't think I would have spoken to more than 4 people since last month! I think it is all ready now though, so I am sighing a huge sigh of relief and getting ready to draw the last 15 pages of the book (by the end of the month which is a bit tight!).
So anyway.....here is the cover for the first in the LOLLIPOP AND GRANDPA series, written by Penny Harper and illustrated by ME!!!! There will be more coming out in the next year. I can't wait to start on the next one which is set in a swimming pool.
Monday, 8 August 2011
More from Phoenix Yard
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Phoenix Yard Books

Very exciting news today on Twitter and the Phoenix Yard Books website.... they have announced that I am officially their illustrator for the Lollipop and Grandpa series of books! I have been working with them on this for a few months now, so I am pleased that I can finally post about this. Check out the link for more information.
Monday, 1 August 2011
Lions and Crocodiles and Elephants!

ROOOOOOOOAR! I was a very busy artist last month and gave myself a bit of extra work to do in the form of printing flat-pack animals to build yourself! Here is Mr Lion. He has two friends, Mr Elephant and Mr Crocodile. They are all printed now and will soon be available to buy in the lovely Paper Tiger in Edinburgh, and on my soon-to-be-created online shop Cate's Zoo!
Friday, 24 June 2011
Grandpa version 3 (I think)
Two owls on a branch please

I have started a new venture in conjunction with one of my favourite clients this month. We are designing and printing wedding invitations, and all the associated bits and pieces that go with them. This is one of our first designs (to be printed as a folding A6 card so the design continues onto the back) which is for a lovely couple who gave me the brief: "We would like two owls on a branch". I was delighted with that and I hope that they love their wedding invites.
Thursday, 26 May 2011
Dark Tales

At the moment I am working on a really wide range of things which keeps me as balanced as I possibly can be. After the bright colours of 3-7 year olds and band stuff I have enjoyed working on illustrations for 8-12 year olds. This is one of my favourite things lately which is for some really quite nasty and dark stories for older kids.
Tuesday, 17 May 2011
MORE birds (makes a change from foxes)
Why do roughs look better than finished artwork?

These guys are pretty much me and my Grandad in the old days when everything was fun and I was still small. Although at 5'2" I don't think I've grown that much!
My Grandad was an amazing artist and I think of him everytime I draw.
I think he accidentally threw me in a river once. He definitely covered me in ketchup (by accident) and he could build anything at all with a few boxes, sheets of cardboard and a roll of masking tape. Genius!
Modern Faces

For those of you who don't know me, I am REALLY into my music, and love working with bands.
These guys are the amazing Modern Faces from Dunfermline (and their loyal and enthusiastic fans) at Capitol in Glasgow last a couple of weeks ago.
I was being their photographer for the evening, and after immediately breaking my camera upon arrival I fixed it with a screwdriver and a miracle, and got some good shots.
Hopefully I will be working with them on artwork and things in the future.
They are supporting Kasabian next month at two of their English gigs, very exciting indeed!

Here we are, back again with more stuff.
As previously mentioned, my very good friend Holly Archer and I are having an exhibition in York soon, and here is a sneak preview of one of the screenprints I have printed from our collaborative drawings.
This is the colour-scheme for all 9 birds. So far I have printed 4 and I can't wait to get back into the workshop to get the other 5 onto paper. LOVE screenprinting!
Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Animal bones are far more interesting to draw than actual animals I discovered last December on a drawing trip to the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow. There was less snow there than in Edinburgh which was a nice break from walking like a penguin, and I took Kate on her first journey on the Clockwork Orange.
These fine chaps are the starting point for work I am showing in an exhibition in York this summer with my good friend Holly Archer.
I am also screenprinting some birds tomorrow that we drew whilst sitting with Holly's Masters show last August. It was boring and we always love a drawing competition. They are getting thrown on the wall in the exhibition too. Exciting times!
New Old Work

I recently rediscovered some work I started years ago. I think it was for some kind of competition that I didn't ever enter. When I was a Masters student I spent a lot of time listening into people's conversations and writing them in my sketchbook. Weirdly one of them featured the name of a person I later met in Leicester (probably not the same exact one, and to be honest he's someone I wish I hadn't met). These images are based on some of the words I wrote and illustrated in my massive sketchbook that smells a bit like sick.
Friday, 4 March 2011
Yet another fox
Thursday, 24 February 2011

From a list of possible spoken pieces to use for inspiration I chose "Fremsley" by Ivor Cutler. He is my new hero and Fremsley is my new favourite thing ever! Please look it up in YouTube. Cutler's work has been used in David Shrigley's work too.
This is my poster.
Friday, 4 February 2011
New Story
Filmhouse Poster

The successor to my role as Illustration Studio Assistant last year at eca has organised an exhibition in The Filmhouse cinema next month showcasing work produced in our print workshop. The brief was to choose a film, design a poster and print it. Simple.
I chose Betty Blue, a French film from 1986, and here is my poster design. I screenprinted it.
Come along to see them all from March 12th (I think!).
Paper Tiger

As usual it has been too long since I posted anything new up here so I think there may be a wave of new stuff hitting my blog in the next week.
I am very pleased to now be working with Paper Tiger and Studio One on their posters and advertising. They want to keep some of their iconic images and use them in contemporary ways.
This is the latest; a Valentine's advertisement due to hit The Scotsman.
I am working on Studio One, and trying to design a series of images for them to use around the shop and in their advertising.
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